Influencing Skills System

Our Influencing Skills system is part of our Skill Suite and helps you quantify and improve the skills needed to help functional leaders and groups in your company compete successfully for top management’s limited time and attention. Effective managers successfully influence people to adopt ideas and rally around products and plans to foster a more harmonious, productive working environment where everyone is contributing to achieve a common goal.

Download the Influencing Skills system overview


Influence Skills Assessment Tool™ (ISAT)
The Influence Skills Assessment Tool provides concrete data on influence as a universally required business skill, and is ideal for employees and teams who need to influence others to adopt ideas, and gain acceptance on projects and solutions. Delivered in an easy-to-administer online survey, it gives you insight into influence strengths and areas of growth for managers and individual contributors at all levels of your organization to increase their overall effectiveness. The ISAT measures 25 aspects of influence in five key areas:

  • Building trust and credibility
  • Understanding the situation and specific needs
  • Presenting ideas and articulating their value
  • Handling objections and gaining agreement
  • Creating long-term relationships with effective positioning


To deliver the benefits of our Influencing Skills system, our ISAT technology platform generates reports at the individual, team, and departmental levels, allowing you to collect, analyze, and apply assessment information most effectively.


Influencing for Results (IFR)
Gaining support and commitment for your ideas and goals is a critical skill needed to master any position. The ability to influence positively and effectively is a skill that can be learned and developed by anyone who wants to communicate their ideas persuasively, build relationships, and gain support from others. This instructor-led course strengthens your ability to create impact with all types of people in your organization. You learn to build consensus, motivate commitment and change, and extend your reach to deliver performances that drive results.

The Influencing for Results workshop is an immediate skill lift training course. Before the workshop, you use the Influence Skills Assessment Tool (ISAT) to benchmark current influencing skill competencies in each of the five core influencing areas. The one-day workshop teaches you the skills to carry out objectives through specific methods, skills, and techniques proven to be effective. Sensible and applicable, IFR teaches you to quickly turn learning into action with colleagues, customers, and suppliers. Three to six months following the course, you are encouraged to retake the Influence Skills assessment to measure the increase in your influencing competency.


Consultants from our PI Worldwide Member Firms are experienced business professionals who continue to guide you as you maximize our Influencing Skills system offerings. Consultants help you solve business challenges and are committed to providing the best experience possible while maximizing the impact of our offerings in your organization.

In your department or organization, how do you improve or maintain employee engagement?:

  • We don’t have any specific activities we do to build employee engagement. It either happens or it doesn’t.
  • We focus on offering things like health and wellness programs to everyone to improve engagement.
  • Our managers have the freedom to define what will best create engagement on their own teams and coach accordingly.
  • We send out surveys to understand engagement better and use the responses to improve our culture.
  • We use data on behavioral drives and motivating needs to tailor effective engagement programs.